
The purpose of the assessment standard is to ensure that instruction is driven by the feedback data collected using assessment tools. Teachers employ a variety of assessment and evaluation tools  in order to guide instruction, and determine whether students have met benchmarks and goals. The primary goal of the assessment standard is to ensure that students are receiving instruction that is constantly evolving based upon the feedback the teacher receives through a variety of assessments. The central objective is determining a student’s level of proficiency and using the information to drive instruction.

Students are taking a math assessment.
Students are working on a summative math assessment.

Formative Assessments

Formative assessments can be either diagnostic in nature, such as PALS, or MAP tests. Or informal checkpoints peppered throughout a unit. Formative assessments allow teachers to reflect on their teaching practices and guide their instruction. Non-traditional, authentic assessments are valuable tools that offer insight into student understanding through creative, informal means. Journals, anecdotal notes, conferences, and projects are a few examples of authentic assessments. I use  a wide array of formative assessments, including  anecdotal notes. I take anecdotal notes during guided reading groups. I glue these notes into a small notebook and can refer back to the notes when planning individual instruction.

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Summative Assessments

There are a variety of assessments that can be incorporated within a classroom. A pre-test allows teachers determine how much knowledge a student has on the topic. The same assessment is administered at the end as a post-test. These assessments are used to gage student progress and determine proficiency.

To view a summative pre-test/post-test, click here.


An essential component to assessing content knowledge, is grading. Quantifying students’ understanding allows teachers to compare student progress with standards and benchmarks.
It is important to follow school standards for grading, and provide clear directions for students, so that they are aware of expectations. Click to see an example of a rubric I use for guided reading. Recipient`s name and