
The purpose of the professionalism standard is to ensure that teachers present themselves in a manner encourages trust from colleagues and parents. The primary goal of the professionalism standard is to for teachers to hold themselves to high standards concerning the way they present themselves, as well as through their communications and interactions with parents and colleagues. The central objective of the standard is to ensure that teachers handle themselves in a professional manner in all communications and interactions.

Professional Development and Memberships

I have attended numerous trainings, pertaining to both my career in education, and my previous career in social work. I have learned from each, and apply techniques in my classroom today.  Some of my professional development includes:

  • Competent Learner Model (CLM) (2015)
  • Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) (2015)
  • Virginia Autism Spectrum Disorder Training(2015)
  • Trauma and Youth Conference (2014)
  • PREP Positive Youth Development and Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Training (2014)
  • Mindfulness Conference (2013)
  • Navigating Your Promethean SmartBoard (2012)
  • Interview with Minister of Education (Lebanon) concerning Inclusion in Lebanese Public Schools. (2011)
  • Safety Committee Council at Family Service of Roanoke Valley (2014-2015)
  • Student Virginia Education Association (SVEA)
  • National Science Teacher Association (NSTA)
  • National Council for Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)

 Positive Communications with Home

Building a positive relationship with parents starts before the school year even begins by reaching out and introducing oneself and if possible, inviting parents/guardians to a meet and greet. Once the school year commences, communicating with parents/guardians becomes an almost daily task. Providing positive feedback about their student is an important part of building a trusting foundation. A teacher can keep open lines of communication with parents/guardians by allowing positive communications to outweigh the negative.
I have frequent positive communications with parents/guardians in my student teaching classroom.

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Being a Contributing Colleague

Schools are tightly knit communities, and teachers interact with one another on a daily basis. Teachers should treat their colleagues with kindness and respect. Offering support and help, and being a team player is important.
At a grade level meeting while I was student teaching, I offered to set up the pumpkin patch field trip. Being willing to help out and taking initiative are positive qualities in teachers. When interacting with organizations or businesses within the community, teachers should communicate and present themselves with the highest degree of professionalism.


Particularly if there are multiple departments within one building, or if you are starting your letter dear bob , a name and address ensures your letter reaches the